イリノイ州の税金と買い物 2021/08/27更新
米国は州と市+郡ごとに消費税(Sales Tax)が違います。日本の場合は一律10%の消費税であり、家電製品から食料品まで10%取られます。米国は郡(カウンティー)、市(City/Village)、そして一般雑貨か食料品・医療品などで基本的に税率が違います。
自分の住んでいる市がElk Grove Villageで郡がCookだとして、一歩通りを過ぎた所がElk Grove Village (Dupage)ならそれだけで消費税は2%も変わってきます。家電製品などを買う場合、この2%は結構大きい違いですよね。
街 City / Village |
郡 County |
一般消費税 Sales Tax |
食料消費税 Food & Drugs |
車両 Vehicle |
Algonquin |
Kane |
7.750% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Arlington Heights |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Arlington Heights |
Lake |
8.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Aurora |
Kane |
8.250% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Aurora (ビジネス街) |
DuPage |
8.500% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Aurora (ビジネス街外) |
DuPage |
8.250% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Barrington |
Cook |
9.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Barrington |
Lake |
7.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Barrington Hills |
Cook |
9.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Barrington Hills |
Lake |
7.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Barrington Hills |
Kane |
7.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Bartlett |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Bartlett |
Kane |
8.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Bensenville |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Bensenville |
DuPage |
8.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Bloomingdale (Indian Lakes Resort ビジネス街) |
DuPage |
8.500% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Bloomingdale (Bloomingdale Stratford Square ビジネス街) |
DuPage |
8.500% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Bloomingdale (ビジネス街外) |
DuPage |
7.500% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Bolingbrook |
DuPage |
8.500% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Buffalo Grove |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Buffalo Grove |
Lake |
8.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Chicago |
Cook |
10.250% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Chicago |
DuPage |
8.250% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Crystal Lake |
Lake |
7.750% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Deer Park |
Cook |
9.500% → 10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Deer Park |
Lake |
7.500% → 8.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Deerfield |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Deerfield |
Lake |
8.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
DeKalb |
DeKalb |
8.000% |
1.000% |
6.250% |
Des Plaines |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
East Dundee |
Cook |
11.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
East Dundee (Vlg of E Dundee IL RTE 72 & 25 ビジネス街) |
Kane |
9.750% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
East Dundee (Dundee Gateway ビジネス街) |
Kane |
9.750% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
East Dundee (Christina Drive ビジネス街) |
Kane |
9.750% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Elgin |
Cook |
10.500% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Elgin |
Kane |
8.500% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Elk Grove Village |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Elk Grove Village |
DuPage |
8.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Elmhurst |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Elmhurst |
DuPage |
8.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Evanston |
Cook |
10.250% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Hampshire |
Kane |
7.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Hanover Park |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Hanover Park |
DuPage |
8.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Hawthorn Woods |
Lake |
7.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Highland Park |
Lake |
8.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Hoffman Estates |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Hoffman Estates |
Kane |
8.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Inverness |
Cook |
9.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Itaska |
Cook |
10.250% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Lake Barrington |
Lake |
7.500% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Lake Forest |
Lake |
8.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Lake Zurich |
Lake |
7.500% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Mount Prospect(ビジネス街) |
Cook |
10.250% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Mount Prospect(ビジネス街外) |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Naperville |
DuPage |
7.750% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
North Chicago |
Lake |
7.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Northbrook |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Northbrook |
Lake |
8.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Northfield |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Oak Brook |
Cook |
9.500% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Oak Brook |
DuPage |
7.500% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Palatine |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Palatine |
Lake |
8.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Prospect Heights |
Cook |
9.500% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Riverwoods |
Lake |
8.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Rolling Meadows |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Roselle |
Cook |
9.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Roselle (Gary Avenue Business District) |
DuPage |
8.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Roselle (Irving Park Road Business District) |
DuPage |
7.500% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Roselle (ビジネス街外) |
DuPage |
7.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Rosemont |
Cook |
10.250% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Schaumburg |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Schaumburg |
DuPage |
8.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Skokie |
Cook |
10.250% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
South Barrington |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
South Elgin |
Kane |
7.500% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
South Elgin |
Kane |
7.500% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Streamwood |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Tinley Park |
Cook |
9.750% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Tremont |
Tazewell |
6.750% |
1.000% |
6.250% |
Trout Valley |
McHenry |
7.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Wheeling |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
Wheeling |
Lake |
8.000% |
1.750% |
7.000% |
Wilmette |
Cook |
10.000% |
2.250% |
7.250% |
上記表は2021年8月27日にIDOR(Illinois Department of Revenue)からの情報をもとに作成しています。
- 2020/07/07 – ページ作成
- 2021/08/27 – 表更新、表更新(大麻関係削除)、Bloomingdale/North Chicago/Wilmette 追加。
- 2022/7/26 – 表を更新。新しい表はこちらをクリック。
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